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Fraunhofer-Leitprojekt ALBACOPTER

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Innovative transport drone with sustainable structures and AI autopilot

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The six Fraunhofer Institutes IVI, LBF, ICT, IOSB, IEM and IMS are contributing their expertise and technologies from the fields of mobility, materials science, energy and drive technology, mechatronics, microelectronics, sensor, communication, automation and production technology, and artificial intelligence to the ambitious Fraunhofer Lighthouse Project ALBACOPTER®. In the development of the autonomous ALBACOPTER®, they are pooling their competencies and involving industrial partners at an early stage in order to develop an overall system in the range of up to 800 kg as well as the associated key technologies in a targeted manner in line with market requirements.

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Fraunhofer-Leitprojekt ALBACOPTER
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Mr. Henri Meess
Fraunhofer IVI Anwendungszentrum
Gruppenleiter hoch automatisiertes Fliegen
Fraunhofer Institut für Verkehrs- und Infrastruktursysteme IVI