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KAMO: Karlsruhe Mobility High Performance Center

KAMO: Karlsruhe Mobility High Performance Center

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Interdisciplinary mobility research, development and transfer in Karlsruhe

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Interdisciplinary Mobility Research and Development in Karlsruhe: KAMO

The requirements for mobility solutions are becoming increasingly complex – and consequently the need for a systemic and interdisciplinary approach.

Therefore the "KAMO: Karlsruhe Mobility High Performance Center" bundles the competencies of Karlsruhe's research, teaching and transfer institutions to support companies in developing innovative, ready-to-market solutions. Our spectrum is demonstrated by projects such as AVEAS, MobileCityGame, CBM Concept and other.

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KAMO: Karlsruhe Mobility High Performance Center
Rintheimer Querallee 2 Gebäude 70.16, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany
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Ms. Dr.-Ing. Miriam Ruf
Geschäftstellenleiterin KAMO Central Office
KAMO: Karlsruhe Mobility High Performance Center