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MOBI-X moveID - gaia-x 4 Future Mobility

MOBI-X moveID - gaia-x 4 Future Mobility

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Offer & discover private parking & charging points with Self-Sovereign Identity.

Company profile

The Gaia-X 4 Future Mobility project "moveID" unites 19 companies and organizations, including industry leaders like Bosch, Airbus, Continental, and DENSO, alongside various Web3 projects and consulting firms. Its primary goal is to establish the groundwork for the future digital mobility infrastructure. Central to moveID is the advancement of decentralized digital identities (Self-Sovereign Identities - in short: SSI) for connected vehicles and devices within the mobility ecosystem.

MOBIX Park & Charge is an innovative solution that enables the sharing of privately-owned charging points. This means that anyone who owns a private charging point can register it with MOBIX and share it with the community.


MOBI-X moveID - gaia-x 4 Future Mobility
Oskar-von-Miller-Ring 36, 80333 München, Germany
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Mr. Michael Reuter
Datarella GmbH