Aussteller- und Partnerverzeichnis
+++ Call for media +++
Inside ZEDU-1: The world’s most environmentally friendly car in operation
Take a look behind the scenes of the ZEDU-1 prototype and talk to the DLR experts behind the project.
Date: Wednesday, 6 September, 10:00
Location: DLR Open Space Stand OP320, Odeonsplatz Munich
Gathering and short welcome address
Brief insight into DLR transport research
Presentation of the DLR ZEDU-1 research prototype by the project team
Questions and answers, opportunities for sound bites and short interviews
As the number of participants is limited, please register by 5 September 2023 at [email protected]. Access to the Open Space is free of charge and requires no entrance ticket.
++ Registration ++
I will attend the DLR media event ‘Inside ZEDU-1’ at IAA Mobility – Open Space on 6 September 2023 at 10:00.
First and last name:
Media organisation:
Denise Nüssle
German Aerospace Center (DLR)
Corporate Communications
Phone: +49 711 6862-8086
Mobile: +49 173-6326959